Mais uma notícia do RIAS! Desta vez a notícia foi elaborada depois da visita do Rotary Club Estoi Palace International e fala um pouco do nosso trabalho e da visita que nos fizeram. É bom saber que o trabalho e a mensagem do RIAS está a chegar a cada vez mais pessoas, nomeadamente estrangeiros, uma vez que a notícia saiu nos jornais locais escritos em língua inglesa.
One more article about RIAS! This time
the article was written after the visit of the Rotary Club Estoi Palace
International and it explains our work as well as it tells a little about their
visit. It’s good to know that our work and our message is reaching more and
more people, in particularly foreigners, because this article was at the local English
language newspapers.
the article was written after the visit of the Rotary Club Estoi Palace
International and it explains our work as well as it tells a little about their
visit. It’s good to know that our work and our message is reaching more and
more people, in particularly foreigners, because this article was at the local English
language newspapers.